(this picture was dug out from the depths of my drawers of old pictures, and yes, that is quite the hair!)
This Monday evening, my oldest and first friend from UMR (my roomie in the dorms) lost her husband of 13 years. She is such an amazing woman, and has shared her story through her blog entitled "Keep Believing". I had lost contact with Angie since college and found her on facebook. (yes, I'm a facebook junkie). Brian was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor just one month after they were married in 1997. Brian was also from UMR in the same class as we were. He was only given 4-5 years to live, but defied the odds and lived 13 full years and together they had 2 children. Angie has made me appreciate my family more completely, both the ups and the downs with her unwavering faith and positive attitude. May God Bless you and your family Angie, and may I only have half the strength and Grace you have had through your journey.
God Bless you and keep you and your boys close, and my God welcome Brian home to his final resting place in Heaven. Keep Believing! http://www.aboneill.blogspot.com/